Archeological Site near Ramat Bet Shemesh A- Beit Natif
Below this mill stone is a dangerous water well.
Next to RBS A and even closer to Neve Shamir is an easily accessible archeological site.
This site is not improved. It is in a natural state of deterioration. I guess it has been sitting as is for hundreds of years, if not 1000 years. Thus there are no safety improvements. You can not take children or people who will run around. It is deadly dangerous.
Don’t come here with little kids.Ancient structures are all over. Just walk around and explore.
These are fascinating but require respect.If I only had “glasses” that could look back in time and see the civilization that was here.
Some of the caves may be safe to explore. Use caution!So close to Ramat Bet Shemesh.
If you want to check out this site, here’s the location:
Baruch David Greenman (Rav BD) has been working magic with youth in nature for over 20 years. During that time he has seen kids blossom in so many ways.
Rav BD grew up as a volunteer in the Museum of Science and History in Fort Worth, Texas. That sparked in him an infectious love of nature.