Notice the bow in his right hand, the arrow of willow under his left hand, spinning on a baseboard of willow.

If you succeed in this very challenging skill then you can proceed to start the fire!

This skill took me about 100 attempts until I finally got it. It was only after I gained real live hands-on coaching from Ariel Fishman that I succeeded in lighting a fire with a bow and arrow.

Not only did I gain this skill but I also learned:

– To never give up

– Practice makes perfect

– To be humble and ask friends for help

– Following the instructions to the T makes a difference

– Having the correct materials is not a joke

I told the kids that if they get it smoking then they need about 30 more strokes…
The glow of success!

Baruch David Greenman

Baruch David Greenman (Rav BD) has been working magic with youth in nature for over 20 years. During that time he has seen kids blossom in so many ways. Rav BD grew up as a volunteer in the Museum of Science and History in Fort Worth, Texas. That sparked in him an infectious love of nature.

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