Our groups 2023-2024

OLT has two groups.

The Groups meet on Sunday or Wednesday.

We generally meet at Nachal Kishon 14/6 and explore the areas near Ramat Beit Shemesh A.

Schedule is likely to change. 

Boys age 8 to 10

from 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Boys age 10.5-13

from 7:00 to 8:30 pm

Our Schedule



Sept 18&19 Sign Up



(Oct 1 Chol HaMoed)
Oct 8
Oct 22
Oct 29


Nov 5
Nov 12
Nov 19
Nov 26


Dec 3
(Dec 10 Chanuka)
Dec 17
Dec 24
Dec 31


Jan 7 
Jan 14
Jan 21
Jan 28


Feb 4
Feb 11
Feb 18
Feb 25


March 3 
March 10
(March 15 Fishing)
March 17
(March 24 Purim)
March 31 


April 7
(April 14)
(April 21)
(April 28 Chol HaMoed)


May 5
May 12
May 19
(May 26 Lag BOmer)


June 2
June 19
June 16
End of 30 lessons
June 23
June 30



Sept 20 – Sign up
Sept 27?


(Oct 4 Chol HaMoed)
Oct 11
Oct 18
Oct 25 


Nov 1
Nov 8
Nov 15
Nov 22
Nov 29


Dec 6
(Dec 13 Chanukah)
Dec 20
Dec 27


Jan 3
Jan 10
Jan 17
Jan 24
Jan 31


Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 21
Feb 28


March 6
March 13
(March 15 Fishing)
March 20
March 27


April 3

April 10

April 17

 (April 24 Pesach)


May 1
May 8
End of 30 lessons
May 15
May 22
May 29


(June 5 Yom Yerushaliyim)
(June 12 Shavuos)
June 19
June 26

camper testimonials

I am a personal friend of Reb Baruch David. The boys in his group have tremendous fun with him, he brought them together with team work and brought out talents in the boys.

His pure neshomo and menschlich nature rub off on the boys. They had a great time and at the same timer learned a lot from him.

You can trust Reb B D implicitly with your boys and know that they will have a great and kosher time.

Rabbi Rafi Brodie

Baruch David puts his heart and soul in giving my boys a great experience where at the same time he instills in them many great lessons for life.

After a long day / long week going out with Baruch David was the perfect opportunity for my boys to step into a new beautiful off the beaten track scenic route guided by BD.

I feel my boys have gained from the chug – to appreciate Hashem’s beautiful world, to be cautious but confidant, to take responsibility, to take good care of a friend in need, the list goes on!!!!

Thank you BD, forever grateful!

YY Josephson